Take Back Your Power: It's Time to Let Go of These 5 Things

Toxic Relationships

Unfortunately, we’ve all experienced a toxic relationship whether it’s a toxic partner, friend, or family member, day by day these relationships chip away at our happiness. Toxic relationships cause so much stress and anxiety, hold us back, affect our mental health, and ruin our confidence, ultimately, they serve no positive purpose in our lives. We all deserve to be in healthy relationships with friends, family, boyfriends, or girlfriends, that make us feel good and feed our souls with love and positivity. That is why we are ending the cycle and saying GOODBYE. If you are in a relationship where you’re always waiting for something bad to happen or hanging on to those few good moments, feeling unsure of yourself, anxious, or depressed, then it’s time to put yourself first and put an end to the vicious cycle. Let the stress go, leave the baggage in the past, and focus on building happy and healthy relationships that make you feel good. 

“The moment you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do.”

Controlling Mindset

As hard as it is to accept, we can’t control everything. The constant hard work of trying to change people or situations that cannot be changed is diverting your time and energy from what really matters and what you can change - successfully. Obsessing over the things you can’t control causes so much stress and anxiety but, worrying will not change the outcome, instead, it will change you. Even though it is important to feel your emotions when something goes wrong, it’s just as important to pick yourself up and pour your energy into the one thing you can control - yourself. Learn to let go, focus on yourself, and trust that even though you can’t see it now, everything will turn out the way it is supposed to.

That Girl Mantra: Let life flow and trust the process.

Stop people pleasing

It’s time to get comfortable with saying NO. For people-pleasers, saying no can be difficult but this is the first step to controlling your people-pleasing habit. Every time you say yes when you want to say no, or you put the needs of others in front of your own, you are doing a disservice to yourself and not honoring your thoughts, feelings, and boundaries. To feel happy and at peace this year, stay true to yourself and learn to say no.

Reminder: the only people who feel upset about your boundaries are often those who benefit from you not having any.

Seeking External Validation

Whether this is from personal relationships, likes on social media, or even your haters, do not place the validation of others above the validation you give to yourself. The best way to validate yourself is to become your own best friend, acknowledge your achievements and strengths, speak positively to yourself, do things that you love, and find confidence in who you are so that your sense of self is so strong that you don’t rely on other people to validate just how amazing you are. Before you look to others ask yourself, where can I give to myself what I am seeking from others? And do it! 

“Allow yourself to shine without the desire to be seen.”

Stop comparing yourself to others

From the latest trends, glow-ups, achievements, and milestones, social media overwhelms us with videos and images of people around the world. This constant exposure causes us to compare every detail of our appearance and lives, ultimately damaging our mental and physical well-being. But here is your daily reminder that social media is not real! Social media is just a highlight reel of people’s lives which is more often than not, faked for entertainment or edited to show only the best moments.
Don’t live your life comparing everything to the carefully constructed snippets you see online. Constant comparison only makes you miserable, throws you off track, and ruins your self-confidence. Your journey is yours, so stay patient with yourself, bask in the joy of what you have right now, celebrate your progress, and let go of the need to be like everyone else. That’s so boring. Embrace your path and all the little things that make you who are, become your own favourite person, and remember, there will never be anyone like you and that is more than enough. You are enough.

“Constant comparison is the thief of joy.”