Happy Skin: Skin Loving Juices for Acne & Skin Healing

We love a healthy juice recipe. It’s the best way to get all our vitamins and nutrients with all the skin and body-loving benefits. It seems there’s a smoothie for everything and that includes our skin.  If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing more than a couple of pimples have appeared on your skin and you’re feeling fed up. But, when you feel like you’ve tried everything that skincare has to offer, you need to remember that our skin health is reflected in what we put into our skin. Lunabe has put together our best skincare juices to heal skin and improve acne.

Link Between Diet & Skincare

It’s a well-known fact that what we put into our bodies affects our physical appearance. For our skin, what we choose to drink throughout the day can have an even bigger effect on our skin than the skincare products we use. Replenishing your body with essential and hydrating nutrients can prevent issues such as inflammation, dull skin, and acne.  

While water is the most recommended drink to boost skin health, many other healthy juices can treat our skin.

Our fave skin-loving juices:

  • Beetroot Juice
    This isn’t everyone’s first choice when it comes to healthy juice ingredients, but beetroot actually has great skin-healing properties. Rich in Vitamin C, beetroot can help reduce acne and dark spots. It is well known that Vitamin C possesses many skincare benefits and, over time, can brighten skin, leaving it with a healthy glow and bright appearance. Vitamin C can also help to reduce the overproduction of oils on the skin and in doing so, this will help to prevent breakouts and acne as oils won't be clogging pores and spreading bacteria. Those who struggle with acne and breakouts will also have to deal with redness and inflammation, but beetroot is a great source of anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help calm skin. Drinking beetroot juice daily will help to clear up your skin by purifying the blood cleansing the body of toxins and improving the overall health and appearance of your skin.

  • Carrot Juice
    As kids we were always told to eat our carrots and, as much as some of us probably didn’t listen to our parents, we really should have, because carrots actually present amazing skin benefits. Carrots are filled with many skin-loving vitamins and nutrients. One of the best is Vitamin A, which is needed to improve acne and the appearance of the skin. According to dermatologists, the Vitamin A in carrots supplies skin with the ability to heal and fight infection, inflammation, and even redness (all common for those suffering from acne and breakouts).
    In a 2018 article, Nutritionist Anna Mitsios explains the benefits of carrots for those suffering from acne and damaged skin. 

 “carrot juice contains high amounts of beta carotene, which are converted into retinol is one of the purest forms of vitamin A… this works as a wonder vitamin when it comes to skin healing and reducing redness and inflammation… it is effective in controlling sebum production and reducing the incidence of acne breakouts…for more effective results, I recommend drinking carrot juice along with applying it topically.” Even though it is possible to achieve the Vitamin A benefits through skincare application, carrot juice is just as effective.

  • Lemon Juice
    Lemon water has been praised as one of the best natural beauty ingredients. Whether applied topically in our skincare routine or our glass of early morning lemon water, lemons have a long list of positive health and beauty benefits. It has been proven that drinking lemon juice provides the body with Vitamin C. As mentioned, this works wonders for the skin and it is the anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties of lemons that make it one of the most loved ingredients to improve skin. Drinking lemon water can help to reduce inflammation (which often clogs pores and leads to breakouts) and acne because of the Vitamin C content that can rejuvenate and heal damaged skin.
    Board-certified dermatologist Dr Jane Prystowsky explained how lemon juice can have a positive effect on damaged skin and acne to Insider, “Lemon juice contains citric acid which is helpful in treating mild acne and photoaging such as over tanned skin, wrinkles and, brown spots.” So, increasing your intake of Vitamin C will improve the appearance of your skin, from ageing to skin texture, acne, and dark spots.

  • Green Tea
    For those dealing with breakouts and acne who would like to try a more natural alternative treatment, then green tea might be the help you’re looking for. Green tea contains plant-based compounds that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties that can help to heal and calm skin whilst preventing further breakouts. According to health professionals, green tea is rich in polyphenols (natural compounds that protect the body) and this has been proven to reduce excess sebum and improve acne. Excess sebum can block pores and cause more breakouts on the skin, but preventing an overproduction of oils can help reduce bacterial growth and breakouts.  

  • Ginger Shot
    Ginger is often overlooked but it is a small yet powerful skincare ingredient that, when consumed in a drink, can help to fight against breakouts, acne, and inflammation. Ginger has powerful antibacterial properties that have been proven to fight off germs and free radicals that cause acne. Ginger also stimulates blood flow, which is important for improving skin health and delivering essential nutrients to our skin to defend itself and fight breakouts. But ginger also contains many important minerals and vitamins that can give your skin a healthy and rejuvenated glow as it is healing.  There are a few ways you can include ginger in your juices, either through a ginger shot in the morning or you can add ginger to your daily smoothie recipes for an extra boost.

Note: At That Girl Journals we aren’t claiming that these juices are cure for acne and inflammation but incorporating these ingredients into your daily diet, along with your skincare routine and a well-balanced diet can have a positive effect on both your physical health and your skin health. So give it a try and show your skin some love with these juices.