Do We Really Need to Add Trace Minerals to our Water?

We love to talk about hydration and know the importance of drinking water all day every day to keep our bodies happy and healthy. But now we have come across a new online trend and that is adding trace minerals to drinking water. But do we really need to do this? Isn’t our normal drinking water enough? Let's find out…

Let’s start with the facts:

Our bodies are made up of 60% water, so we need water to survive and aid all our bodily functions. Drinking water is essential to our health but minerals are just as important. From healthy bones to muscle function, immunity, and brain function, minerals are essential for everyday health.
Minerals can already be found naturally in underground reservoirs and mineral springs where minerals merge when water comes into contact with soil (now we have our natural drinking water). However, some researchers argue that soil damage and farming practices may be stripping the water of natural minerals and depriving our bodies of the essential minerals needed to survive. As a result, a new trend of adding minerals back into water through mineral drops is emerging.

Trace minerals are small amounts of minerals that can be found in your diet and water intake to help support your overall health. Even though people are using drops to add minerals to their water and diet, research shows that these minerals are needed in such a small amount that they can be easily obtained through our diet.

Trace Minerals and where to find them:

  • Calcium
    Milk, yogurt, kale, broccoli, and tofu

  • Magnesium
    Spinach, almonds, avocado, dried fruits and leafy green veg

  • Iron
    Spinach, Beef, Black beans, whole grains, lentils

  • Zinc
    Lamb, chickpeas, eggs, chicken

  • Copper  
    Kale, Beef, Avocado, Sesame Seeds

Research carried out by the Academy of Nutrition supports the view that these minerals can be easily obtained through a well-balanced diet and regular intake of water (here is your daily water reminder).

A balanced diet is important, but what’s more important is what you absorb. If you are feeling exhausted and weak, it might not be because you need to eat more food, but because your body isn’t absorbing all these minerals and nutrients. Some of us may actually be at risk of a deficiency therefore, it would be beneficial to add a small amount of trace mineral drops into your water to enhance your mineral intake and provide the body with a boost of minerals that the body can’t naturally produce or absorb.

So what do I do?

Well, it all comes down to personal preference and giving your body what it needs.

You can drink water as it is and your body will still greatly benefit from this. There is little research to suggest that adding mineral drops is any better than drinking regular tap water as they both provide us with minerals. To get all the benefits from Trace Minerals, you should try to have an all-around healthy diet and drink water as your main source of hydration (insert another water reminder here).
Of course, balance is everything, so listen to your body and if you are suffering from a deficiency, then adding trace mineral drops to your water could be for you.

Reminder- too little can cause a deficiency but too much can be toxic for your body, so don’t overdo it.

Just do what you feel is right for your body.