Haircare Level Up: Why You Need a Scalp Care Routine

Over the years, I have been on a journey with my hair, from heated curls to straightening to split ends and even some very questionable haircuts. I have always wanted to make my hair appear silky smooth and healthy and I thought that heat protectant and a hair mask every so often was enough to save my hair from any damage. Oh, I was wrong. I have recently discovered a new hair care secret - scalp care.

Scalp care has become a social media phenomenon, with hair professionals sharing that building a beauty routine for your scalp is the secret to luscious locks. However, it is important to note that this scalp care trend isn’t really new as South Asian Women have practiced these routines of massaging and oiling for centuries.
This is something many of us probably haven’t ever thought about, just assuming that if we don’t suffer from dandruff, then our scalp is fine, right? Wrong.  
Many scalp issues cannot be seen until it’s too late and we have to deal with some serious conditions that will greatly affect the appearance of our hair. We need to start from the root (quite literally) to promote healthier hair and prevent any future conditions that will require serious attention.
These issues can include oiliness, irritation, itchiness, dandruff, and eventually hair thinning/ hair loss. So it's definitely time to show our scalp some love.

“Our scalp contains around 10,000 follicles and each follicle contains a single hair that grows. The follicle also produces oils that keep the scalp moisturised and protect the skin from infection.” (Health Line), so it’s very important to pamper the scalp and prevent damage to these hair follicles. The buildup of product, sebum, heat damage, pollutants, and conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can damage the hair follicles, sabotaging hair appearance and growth.

A balanced and clean scalp is so important as this will promote new hair growth and a gorgeous shine but also prevent less breakage, the dreaded thinning or loss of hair, and even hair odor (no thank you).

Creating a scalp care routine can result in luscious locks but, just as importantly, a confidence boost.

Before we rush out to spend a fortune on hair care, it's important to know your hair type and hair-washing habits.

  • How often do you wash your hair?

  • Are you using products that work for your hair type?

  • Are you causing more damage through styling?

We need to think of our scalp as an extension of our skincare routine as our scalp is susceptible to the same damage as our face. Therefore, our scalp requires the same level of care.

So, this calls for a scalp care level-up cleanse, exfoliation, and hydration routine.

Cleansing Tips

  • Avoid using hot water when washing as it will dry out and damage your hair.

  • Gently massage hair when washing. Do not tug and pull at your hair.

  • Avoid spreading conditioner to hair roots as the product can cause a build-up of product on your scalp and block hair follicles.

  • A prewash hair treatment can help lock in moisture and strengthen your hair.

  • Exfoliate your scalp once or twice a week to prevent a build build-up of product, oil, and dead skin cells. (If left untreated, this can cause itchiness, dandruff and can prevent hair growth)


  • Try not to overwash as this can strip hair of natural oils.  (Important note - oils are needed to keep our scalp balanced and maintain hydration. Overwashing can lead to stripping natural hair oils and, as a result, the scalp will produce more oil to make up for the loss.)

  • Look for shampoos that are sulfate-free and contain ingredients such as salicylic acid, tea tree, or rosemary oil.


  • Hair is dry because there is a lack of oils or moisture, so it is important to build a routine that restores hydration and moisture.

  • Look for shampoos and conditions that contain ingredients such as coconut oil, jojoba, or argan oil.

  • Sebum is the natural hair moisturiser and this can be lost through washing, so for those with a drier scalp, pre-wash hair oil can add extra oils that are lost through washing.

Everyday habits will help support a healthy scalp, such as, how you wash your hair, using products that are kind to your hair, and a rich diet of protein, zinc, and omega.

Whatever your hair dreams are, it is extremely important to take care of your hair from the roots. How you treat your hair now will affect your hair condition in the future (and who doesn’t want to be rocking amazing hair at 80?)
When it comes to hair, you should always do what works for you, but adding scalp care to your beauty routine will really make a difference to how you look on the outside and feel on the inside.