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What You Need in Your Morning Wellness Routine

Revitalize your mornings with a daily wellness routine that works for you!

Implementing healthy habits into your morning routine will not only prepare you for the day ahead but will help you to prioritise your health, improve productivity, build self-confidence, and support your overall mental well-being. A fulfilling morning routine that aligns with your lifestyle and goals is the key to a successful morning and a positive mindset.

Here are our top 5 steps to add to your
morning wellness routine.


Enjoy a glass of lemon water before you reach for that cup of coffee or matcha in the morning. Drinking water first thing in the morning is the best way to restore hydration to your body, flush out toxins, and kick-start your metabolism.
✨ In Japan, there is a tradition of drinking water before anything else in the morning for good health.

No Phones Allowed

We’re all guilty of doom-scrolling on our phones first thing in the morning; unsurprisingly, this doesn’t serve any purpose. Not only does scrolling waste a lot of valuable time in the morning but, research has found that using our phone first thing in the morning shifts our body into a state of alertness and triggers a response that causes us to feel overwhelmed and on edge for the rest of the day. When you start your day on your phone, you start your day in stress mode.

Try this instead:
✨ Keep your phone away from your bed so you aren’t tempted to use it before you get up.
✨ Invest in an alarm clock so you don’t need to use your phone.
✨ Limit your screen time or set screen time deadlines e.g. no phone/ social media within the first hour of waking up.
✨ Replace phone screen time with other healthy habits, such as reading, writing, or watching your favourite TV show.

Morning Movement

Incorporating gentle movement into your morning routine will awaken your body and cleanse your mind. Going for an early morning walk or a quick morning yoga session will boost energy, strengthen muscles, build discipline, and boost productivity.
✨ Just 5 - 10 minutes of yoga every morning can work wonders for your mental and physical well-being.

✨ An early morning walk can provide you with a boost of energy and reduce anxiety.

Healthy Breakfast

It’s important to nourish and energise your body with a healthy balanced breakfast in the morning. To feel good in the morning cook up a breakfast rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
✨ Enjoy a bowl of fruit and oats with yogurt and honey.
✨ Avocado and egg toast.
✨ Smoothie packed with fruits, greens, and protein.

Mindful Mornings

Dedicating time in the morning to practice gratitude and mindfulness has been proven to improve brain function, reduce stress, improve mood, and build self-confidence. Whether you are writing out your thoughts and emotions in a journal or meditating, both are positive reminders to slow down, take a deep breath, and live in the present moment.

If you don’t know where to start:
✨ Write down 3 things you want to let go of before you start your day.
✨ Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.
✨ Set positive intentions and speak words of affirmation.
✨ Clear your mind.
✨ Plan out your day.